
The Exhaust Valve of a 2 stroke marine engine is centrally installed over the top of cylinder head to allow all the exhaust generated inside......

One of the major functions of the cylinder head is to seal the combustion chamber and to accommodate other auxiliary parts such as fuel...


Liner in the combustion chamber of the marine engine carries the piston and transfers the heat generated during combustion to the jacket with......

The main function of piston rings inside the combustion chamber is to seal the space and prevent the escape of gases into the lower portion... ...

Piston is the only moving component in the combustion chamber and is responsible for converting the generated gas forces into mechanical reciproc...

Crosshead is attached on the upper part of the connecting rod, which connects the con-rod to the piston rod. The guide and the guide shoe runs o...

Connecting rod in a two stroke marine engine is used to connect the crankshaft and the piston (via crosshead and piston rod) for...

Crankshaft is the backbone of a 2-stroke engine. Technically, it’s a long and heavy part which undergoes severe fluctuating loads because... <...

Система привода включает цилиндр-актюатор, заполняемый маслом высокого давле...

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